A Complicated Artist
What’s this fantasy I once had
This life of an artist
In the cafes in paris
Drunk and depressed in a bar but a genius
The world too much
For a sensitive soul like mine
What choice do I have
Than to get fucked up in a dark bar
And write poetry
Or paint some dumbshit painting
In the night
At four am
When everyone
Is sleeping through
Their square lives
One time this girl I loved
Told me that I wasn’t that complicated
She said it
Over the phone
Breaking up with me
Saying it
Like she was disappointed
Like she would have liked me
If I had wild mood swings
If I had disappeared and not told her where
I just had to be by myself
I imagine I could say
There was art that had to come out of me
I would say to her with confidence
And then she would forgive me
And we would fuck
And she would be happy
With her complicated artist